The trend barometer for men's hairstyles | Actividades | Foro Red de Centros Ciudadanos


6 enero 2020

The classically styled hipster, on the other hand, is slowly but surely losing importance. A natural-looking styling is the order of the day, which is given the finishing touch with fashionable lace wigs accessories. A touch of androynity is certainly allowed, but it is more a non-binding flirtation than a commitment carved in stone. Brand new: the good old schnauzer on the upper lip, which is on everyone's lips today under the name "Mustache".
Short cut hair on the neck or on the sides, plus a deliberately disheveled top hair: This is how most of all men's hairstyles are currently presented - and not just on the world's runways. Also in: curls falling into the forehead or the good old Elvis quiff, refined and newly styled. Rocky lengths and the unconventional biker image are practically on top of that. Long live the individual, creative styling, which underlines the best sides of the man in an exciting and advantageous way. Let's go young - off with the old braids and go for cool trend styling!
10th place: Exceptional: shaved sides, dense, short top coat, sideburn beard. The beard acts as an extension of the main hair.
The fact that the beard is experiencing a renaissance is noticed at the latest when watching the celebrities on the red carpet. Because there actors, designers and Co. present full beards, sniffers and sideburns in all their splendor. The men's beard is once again socially acceptable and is very trendy. Provided that the male facial hair is properly cared for and corresponds to the modern cuts.
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