Pvp because misery is by buy classic gold wow | Recursos | Foro Red de Centros Ciudadanos


23 septiembre 2019

You missed the NON GC. Which made instant caast all be in a position to wow classic gold macroed to a single button. AKA, warlocks casting identical with shadow priests, all dots. The entire will fo forsaken was only a thing with warlock/warriors. What made it huge was that I didnt share CD with trinkets.
But still anybody with a brain could take them down.less it had been a lock, SP or even the 5 bubble pali's. Great vid, however, the unhappy thin is all you did was study the internet.dont think you really played it. And to be honest it was great. Sure there was the hard core but it was not as easy as its made out to be. Superior players could over come.
Harm was not increased by resistances. PVP equipment had no shadow immunity, pve equipment had around 100 which is somewhat annoying but not the end of the planet in PVP, if they needed to counter player that is exact res gear was used by folks in PVP.
Besides nobody employed CoS in pvp because misery is by buy classic gold wow far you greatest dot and CoT/CoEX are simply better in any imaginable situation, and should you rolled destro you merely used CoE.Reason why Lupus did harm he did(which is wrongfully made to do something together with resistances) was him doing shadow harm and consuming critical shadowbolt debuff that made every warlock from the raid angry as hell of hunters with this dumb wolf.
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